Code of Conduct



Code of Conduct on eurofamily’s social responsibility.
As an association of leading sports and outdoor retailers, we assume social responsibility by subjecting our business activities to high social, ethical and ecological standards.

The Code of Conduct applies to entrepreneurs, management and all employees of the eurofamily group of companies. In addition to the applicable German and European legislation, it is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact ( and the ILO core labour standards ( Specific requirements are the observance of internationally recognised human and labour rights, the outlawing of child and forced labour, compliance with legal standards and environmental guidelines, as well as the
observance and promotion of ethical behaviour.

The Code of Conduct is available as an instrument and shows areas of responsibility for corporate action (social, ecological and ethical). As such, it offers an orientation framework for our business partners. We recommend its application to our business partners and their business partners.


Contribution to society
We see ourselves as part of the society in which we operate. We contribute to its well-being, promotion and sustainable development through our business activities. We take into account the direct and indirect effects of our business activities on society and the environment and strive to achieve an appropriate balance of interests in economic, social and ecological terms.

Human and labour rights
Compliance with national and international human and labour rights is a cornerstone of the eurofamily philosophy. We insist on compliance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights and require that this is upheld throughout the entire supply chain, also taking indirect suppliers into account. The benefits correspond at least to the legal requirements with regard to remuneration (minimum wage), social benefits and working hours.

In our corporate culture, we attach great importance to diversity and interaction. No one shall be discriminated against on the basis of the following characteristics: ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, colour of skin, political opinion, pregnancy, physical or mental limitation or because of membership in a trade union. The dignity of each individual and personal rights are to be respected. We cannot accept organisations that do not promote the above values or question the constitution.

Child and forced labour
Under no circumstances do we accept or support child labour. As a minimum, we act in accordance with the stipulations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Work that is in any way coerced or shows features of slavery, forced or compulsory labour, servitude, human trafficking or other involuntary labour is also unacceptable to us.

Health and safety at work
We create a safe, hygienic working environment for our employees and take all possible precautionary measures to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health. We also expect our business partners to comply with the minimum level of local legal regulations regarding health and safety at work.

Fair working conditions
National regulations on working conditions must be respected. Our employees have the right to rest breaks, to public holidays and to information about the applicable working conditions before starting work. Dignified treatment prevails: we do not accept abuse, harassment and intimidation.

Freedom of association
All employees have the right to form, join or manage organisations (Art. 9 GG (German Basic Constitutional Law)). We always act in accordance with the basic principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO, Conventions No. 87 and No. 98).


Environmental protection
The responsible use of our natural resources is becoming increasingly important. We are aware of the current ecological challenges and continuously analyse our internal processes and workflows in order to minimise our carbon footprint. We also motivate our suppliers to act as sustainably as possible. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we pay attention to water consumption during production, the use of pesticides, transport routes and waste disposal.

Animal welfare
In order to uphold the principles of animal welfare, we pay attention to species-appropriate animal husbandry and use and strive to reduce animal products such as leather, wool and down. We follow the leading certificates in each case to ensure standards for all products of animal origin.


Bribery and corruption
We reject any form of bribery, corruption or other unjustified granting of advantages to partners, public officials or other third parties. In doing so, we contribute to the promotion of transparency, accountability, responsibility, openness and integrity.

Data protection
The prerequisite for successful cooperation is the careful, responsible and transparent handling of personal data collected from employees, customers and business partners during the business process.

Fair/free competition
We promote fair and free competition. For this reason, we refrain from unlawful agreements and arrangements on our pricing, conditions or customer relationship strategies, as well as from the exchange of sensitive information that influences competition in an unlawful manner.

Business partners support each other in organising their supply chain in such a way that human and labour rights are respected and working conditions are continuously improved. Therefore, this Code of Conduct shall be observed by business partners in their own actions and shall be passed on to their suppliers in order to encourage them to apply the Code of Conduct accordingly.


Eurofamily, Februar 2023